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We are affiliated with the UK national standards body, in part, this means we are an official distributor of British & International Standards and can be contacted for advice.


Our expertise is centred around management systems standards, helping client achieve certification and providing support with their auditing endeavours. As quality & audit professionals we specialise in the ISO 9000 series of standards (which includes ISO 9001 Quality management systems requirements) and integration with others such as 27001 Information Security, 14001 Environmental and 45001 H&S.


Standards are under license and therefore cannot be distributed freely; products can be purchased by clicking on “buy standards” from the above main menu, the other drop downs from here are direct links to specific standards such as ISO 9001.


If you are thinking about engaging with us for Consultancy, it may be worth checking with us first as in some cases we can offer discounts.


How to Navigate through the BSI catalogue and find the standards you are looking for


You can easily search and find any standard available in our catalogue by using the search tool located at the top of all pages at the BSI shop.


Here are some helpful tips to assist you in navigating through the pages and finding the documents you need:


1. Search for keywords, but do not abbreviate them e.g. ISO 9001, quality management

2. Don't use special characters, like "@", "&", "#", "+", "*"

3. The results are sort by newest standard to the oldest

4. You can use either lower or upper case e.g. iso 9001, ISO 9001

5. You can use dashes (-) in between keywords e.g. iso-9001, quality-management

6. You can find it all in one word too e.g. iso9001, iso45001 

7. You don't need to quote the full name of a document e.g. BS EN ISO 9001:2015. Variations will work  e.g. EN 9001, BS 9001

8. You can search by sectors to find the latest publications on a specific topic e.g. aviation, agriculture

9. Narrowing down your search will give you more accurate results, especially when you are looking for documents that are part of a series e.g. 16931-3-2, 5839-6

10. You can search by industry code (ICS code) e.g. 03.100.70

11. Do not use quotation marks e.g. "9001"

12. You can use parenthesis e.g. (9001)

13. You can find the latest standards that are sold as a kit, tracked changes or expert commentary, by using these keywords on the search e.g. kit, tracked changes (or TC) or expert commentary


If you still don't find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us and our team will be ready to assist you.

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